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Middleware are functions which are passed control of flow during execution of init, validate, save and remove methods.

There are two types of middleware, serial and parallel.


Serial middleware are executed one after another, when each middleware calls next

var schema = new Schema(..);
schema.pre('save', function (next) {
  // do stuff


Parallel middleware offer more fine-grained flow control.

var schema = new Schema(..);
schema.pre('save', true, function (next, done) {
  // calling next kicks off the next middleware in parallel

The hooked method, in this case save, will not be executed until done is called by each middleware.

Use Cases

Middleware are useful for atomizing model logic and avoiding nested blocks of async code. Here are some other ideas:

Error handling

If any middleware calls next or done with an Error instance, the flow is interrupted, and the error is passed to the callback.

schema.pre('save', function (next) {
  var err = new Error('something went wrong');

// later... (err) {
  console.log(err.message) // something went wrong