Deprecation Warnings

There are several deprecations in the MongoDB Node.js driver that Mongoose users should be aware of. Mongoose provides options to work around these deprecation warnings, but you need to test whether these options cause any problems for your application. Please report any issues on GitHub.


To fix all deprecation warnings, follow the below steps:

  • Replace rawResult: true with includeResultMetadata: true in findOneAndUpdate(), findOneAndReplace(), findOneAndDelete() calls.

Read below for more a more detailed description of each deprecation warning.


As of Mongoose 7.4.0, the rawResult option to findOneAndUpdate() is deprecated. You should instead use the includeResultMetadata option, which the MongoDB Node.js driver's new option that replaces rawResult.

// Replace this:
const doc = await Test.findOneAndUpdate(
  { name: 'Test' },
  { name: 'Test Testerson' },
  { rawResult: true }

// With this:
const doc = await Test.findOneAndUpdate(
  { name: 'Test' },
  { name: 'Test Testerson' },
  { includeResultMetadata: true }

The rawResult option only affects Mongoose; the MongoDB Node.js driver still returns the full result metadata, Mongoose just parses out the raw document. The includeResultMetadata option also tells the MongoDB Node.js driver to only return the document, not the full ModifyResult object.